Anti-Racist Action

The Anti-Racist Action Network (ARA) is a decentralized network of anti-fascists and anti-racists in North America. ARA activists organize actions, including criminal violence, to disrupt neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups, and help organize activities against fascist and racist ideologies. ARA groups also oppose sexism, homophobia, heterosexism, Anti-immigration, Nativism, anti-Semitism, and the anti-abortion movement. ARA originated from the skinhead and punk subcultures.

Anti-Racist Action

The Anti-Racist Action Network (ARA) is a decentralized network of anti-fascists and anti-racists in North America. ARA activists organize actions, including criminal violence, to disrupt neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups, and help organize activities against fascist and racist ideologies. ARA groups also oppose sexism, homophobia, heterosexism, Anti-immigration, Nativism, anti-Semitism, and the anti-abortion movement. ARA originated from the skinhead and punk subcultures.