
In astrology, the antiscion (pl. antiscia) is considered to be the mirror image, or shadow, of a planet based upon a line of reference, which is the axis of 0 Cancer/0 Capricorn. These antiscia are also known as the "solstice points". The corresponding antiscia sign placements are as follows:- * Aries antiscia is Virgo and vice versa. * Taurus antiscia is Leo and vice versa. * Gemini antiscia is Cancer and vice versa. * Libra antiscia is Pisces and vice versa. * Scorpio antiscia is Aquarius and vice versa. * Sagittarius antiscia is Capricorn and vice versa.


In astrology, the antiscion (pl. antiscia) is considered to be the mirror image, or shadow, of a planet based upon a line of reference, which is the axis of 0 Cancer/0 Capricorn. These antiscia are also known as the "solstice points". The corresponding antiscia sign placements are as follows:- * Aries antiscia is Virgo and vice versa. * Taurus antiscia is Leo and vice versa. * Gemini antiscia is Cancer and vice versa. * Libra antiscia is Pisces and vice versa. * Scorpio antiscia is Aquarius and vice versa. * Sagittarius antiscia is Capricorn and vice versa.