Appalachian Institute

The Appalachian Institute at Wheeling Jesuit University is an organization that has since 2002 promoted research, service, and advocacy for and with the people of Appalachia to build healthier, stronger, and more sustainable communities. It is inspired by the Jesuit mission to educate men and women for others, and by the Catholic bishops' two pastoral letters, "This Land Is Home to Me: A Pastoral Letter on Powerlessness in Appalachia" and "At Home in the Web of Life: A Pastoral Message on Sustainable Communities in Appalachia."

Appalachian Institute

The Appalachian Institute at Wheeling Jesuit University is an organization that has since 2002 promoted research, service, and advocacy for and with the people of Appalachia to build healthier, stronger, and more sustainable communities. It is inspired by the Jesuit mission to educate men and women for others, and by the Catholic bishops' two pastoral letters, "This Land Is Home to Me: A Pastoral Letter on Powerlessness in Appalachia" and "At Home in the Web of Life: A Pastoral Message on Sustainable Communities in Appalachia."