Arachis glabrata

Arachis glabrata (Creeping forage peanut, Rhizoma peanut, Rhizoma perennial peanut, Perennial forage peanut, Golden Glory, Ornamental Peanut Grass; Portuguese common names included Amendoim-forrageiro, Amendoim-bravo, Amendoim-do-campo-baixo) is a high quality forage plant native to Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay vegetation. This plant is also used for soil conservation and as an ornamental plant.

Arachis glabrata

Arachis glabrata (Creeping forage peanut, Rhizoma peanut, Rhizoma perennial peanut, Perennial forage peanut, Golden Glory, Ornamental Peanut Grass; Portuguese common names included Amendoim-forrageiro, Amendoim-bravo, Amendoim-do-campo-baixo) is a high quality forage plant native to Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay vegetation. This plant is also used for soil conservation and as an ornamental plant.