
Arales is a botanical name for an order of flowering plants. The name was used in the Cronquist system for an order placed in subclass Arecidae, circumscribed as (1981): * order Arales family Acoraceae family Araceae family Lemnaceae In the classification system of Dahlgren the Arales were in the superorder Ariflorae (also called Aranae), but did not include Acoraceae as a separate family. Instead, Acorus, its only genus, was included in the Araceae. Arales was the only order included in the Ariflorae.


Arales is a botanical name for an order of flowering plants. The name was used in the Cronquist system for an order placed in subclass Arecidae, circumscribed as (1981): * order Arales family Acoraceae family Araceae family Lemnaceae In the classification system of Dahlgren the Arales were in the superorder Ariflorae (also called Aranae), but did not include Acoraceae as a separate family. Instead, Acorus, its only genus, was included in the Araceae. Arales was the only order included in the Ariflorae.