Archeria comberi

Archeria comberi, also known as the pink mountain heath or comb heath, is a small, rare shrub endemic to Tasmania, Australia. As a member of the Ericaceae (heath) family this species is generally classified as a subalpine/ alpine species and shares many characteristics with other members of the family. It is an evergreen shrub 0.15m-1m in height, with pink flowers during the summer months (January and December), hence its common name pink mountain heath. Archeria comberi is often found growing among other species such as Nothofagus gunnii and Persoonia gunnii.

Archeria comberi

Archeria comberi, also known as the pink mountain heath or comb heath, is a small, rare shrub endemic to Tasmania, Australia. As a member of the Ericaceae (heath) family this species is generally classified as a subalpine/ alpine species and shares many characteristics with other members of the family. It is an evergreen shrub 0.15m-1m in height, with pink flowers during the summer months (January and December), hence its common name pink mountain heath. Archeria comberi is often found growing among other species such as Nothofagus gunnii and Persoonia gunnii.