Arfak astrapia

The Arfak astrapia (Astrapia nigra) is a species of bird-of-paradise. In the wild, the bird has hybridised with the black sicklebill creating offspring that were once considered a distinct species, the elliot's sicklebill Epimachus ellioti. While some ornithologists still believe that this bird is a distinct species, possibly critically endangered or even extinct, many now think it was a hybrid between the two species.

Arfak astrapia

The Arfak astrapia (Astrapia nigra) is a species of bird-of-paradise. In the wild, the bird has hybridised with the black sicklebill creating offspring that were once considered a distinct species, the elliot's sicklebill Epimachus ellioti. While some ornithologists still believe that this bird is a distinct species, possibly critically endangered or even extinct, many now think it was a hybrid between the two species.