Artocarpus camansi

Artocarpus camansi, the breadnut, is a medium-sized tree found in the mulberry family Moraceae. Native to Papua New Guinea, it is a relative of the breadfruit and is commonly used as a staple crop. Other common names for plant include kluwih in Indonesia, chataigne or castaña (French and Spanish for the unrelated but culinarily similar chestnut") in the Caribbean, pana de pepita, kamansi in the Philippines, and kapiak in New Guinea.

Artocarpus camansi

Artocarpus camansi, the breadnut, is a medium-sized tree found in the mulberry family Moraceae. Native to Papua New Guinea, it is a relative of the breadfruit and is commonly used as a staple crop. Other common names for plant include kluwih in Indonesia, chataigne or castaña (French and Spanish for the unrelated but culinarily similar chestnut") in the Caribbean, pana de pepita, kamansi in the Philippines, and kapiak in New Guinea.