Arun Honnedevasthana Shamrao

Arun Honnedevasthana Shamrao (born 26 October 1954 in Sringeri, Karnataka, India, is the founder of the Prashant Yogashraya Yoga center. The Hindu describes him as "one of the foremost disciples of B.K.S. Iyengar, under whom he studied. He teaches Yoga in India and around the world. where he has earned a reputation as a master in using props. In 2014 H.S. Arun’s most recent book Experiment and Experience on the Chair: The Yoga Way was published.

Arun Honnedevasthana Shamrao

Arun Honnedevasthana Shamrao (born 26 October 1954 in Sringeri, Karnataka, India, is the founder of the Prashant Yogashraya Yoga center. The Hindu describes him as "one of the foremost disciples of B.K.S. Iyengar, under whom he studied. He teaches Yoga in India and around the world. where he has earned a reputation as a master in using props. In 2014 H.S. Arun’s most recent book Experiment and Experience on the Chair: The Yoga Way was published.