Asparagus scandens

Asparagus scandens, (also known as Climbing Asparagus fern or Krulkransie) is a plant native to South Africa in the Asparagus genus. This fine, delicate looking creeper is actually quite hardy. It prefers shady areas and moisture, but can tolerate some drought. Its soft, feathery foliage is a deep, rich green and unlike other asparagus ferns, this species does not grow thorns.

Asparagus scandens

Asparagus scandens, (also known as Climbing Asparagus fern or Krulkransie) is a plant native to South Africa in the Asparagus genus. This fine, delicate looking creeper is actually quite hardy. It prefers shady areas and moisture, but can tolerate some drought. Its soft, feathery foliage is a deep, rich green and unlike other asparagus ferns, this species does not grow thorns.