At-Tawba 29

Verse 9 of Sura 9 of the Qur'an is notable as dealing with the imposition of tribute (jizyah) on non-Muslims who have fallen under Muslim rule (the ahl al-ḏimmah/). Mustafa Al-Maraghi explains that 9:29 means: "fight those mentioned when the conditions which necessitate fighting are present, namely, aggression against you or your country, oppression and persecution against you on account of your faith, or threatening your safety and security, as was committed against you by the Byzantines, which was what lead to Tabuk."

At-Tawba 29

Verse 9 of Sura 9 of the Qur'an is notable as dealing with the imposition of tribute (jizyah) on non-Muslims who have fallen under Muslim rule (the ahl al-ḏimmah/). Mustafa Al-Maraghi explains that 9:29 means: "fight those mentioned when the conditions which necessitate fighting are present, namely, aggression against you or your country, oppression and persecution against you on account of your faith, or threatening your safety and security, as was committed against you by the Byzantines, which was what lead to Tabuk."