Australian Greenhouse Office

The Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) was formed in 1998 within the Government of Australia as a stand-alone agency within the environment portfolio to provide a whole of government approach to greenhouse matters. It was the world's first government agency dedicated to cutting greenhouse gas emissions, managed Australia's response to climate change, and provided government-sanctioned information to the public. Writer Guy Pearse was employed by the agency as a consultant. Dr David Evans was employed by the office from 1999 to 2005 to conduct carbon accounting and to build models.

Australian Greenhouse Office

The Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) was formed in 1998 within the Government of Australia as a stand-alone agency within the environment portfolio to provide a whole of government approach to greenhouse matters. It was the world's first government agency dedicated to cutting greenhouse gas emissions, managed Australia's response to climate change, and provided government-sanctioned information to the public. Writer Guy Pearse was employed by the agency as a consultant. Dr David Evans was employed by the office from 1999 to 2005 to conduct carbon accounting and to build models.