Autour d'une cabine

Autour d'une cabine (Around A Cab), original full title Autour d'une cabine ou Mésaventures d'un copurchic aux bains de mer (Around a cabin or a copurchic Misadventures at the seaside), is an 1894 French short animated film directed by Émile Reynaud. It is an animated film made of 636 individually images hand painted in 1893. The film showed off Emile's invention, the Théâtre Optique. It was shown at the Musée Grévin from December 1894 until March 1900.

Autour d'une cabine

Autour d'une cabine (Around A Cab), original full title Autour d'une cabine ou Mésaventures d'un copurchic aux bains de mer (Around a cabin or a copurchic Misadventures at the seaside), is an 1894 French short animated film directed by Émile Reynaud. It is an animated film made of 636 individually images hand painted in 1893. The film showed off Emile's invention, the Théâtre Optique. It was shown at the Musée Grévin from December 1894 until March 1900.