Aviación del Litoral Fluvial Argentino

The airline Aviación del Litoral Fluvial Argentino or A.L.F.A. was a joint venture established on May 16, 1946 by the Argentine government, through national decree 13.532, and the merger of "Corporación Sudamericana de Servicios Aéreos S.A." (CSSA) and "Compania Dodero Navigacion Argentina SA" (CDNA). The airline flew to the Argentine coast, as well as reaching Asunción, Paraguay and Montevideo, operating with Short Sandringham and Sunderland flying boats. In May 1949 it merged with other companies existing at the time, FAMA, ZONDA, and Aeroposta, to create Aerolíneas Argentinas.

Aviación del Litoral Fluvial Argentino

The airline Aviación del Litoral Fluvial Argentino or A.L.F.A. was a joint venture established on May 16, 1946 by the Argentine government, through national decree 13.532, and the merger of "Corporación Sudamericana de Servicios Aéreos S.A." (CSSA) and "Compania Dodero Navigacion Argentina SA" (CDNA). The airline flew to the Argentine coast, as well as reaching Asunción, Paraguay and Montevideo, operating with Short Sandringham and Sunderland flying boats. In May 1949 it merged with other companies existing at the time, FAMA, ZONDA, and Aeroposta, to create Aerolíneas Argentinas.