Bărăgan deportations

The Bărăgan deportations (Romanian: Deportările în Bărăgan) were a large-scale action of penal transportation, undertaken during the 1950s by the Romanian Communist regime. Their aim was to forcibly relocate individuals who lived within approximately 25 km of the Yugoslav border (in present-day Timiş, Caraş-Severin, and Mehedinţi counties) to the Bărăgan Plain.

Bărăgan deportations

The Bărăgan deportations (Romanian: Deportările în Bărăgan) were a large-scale action of penal transportation, undertaken during the 1950s by the Romanian Communist regime. Their aim was to forcibly relocate individuals who lived within approximately 25 km of the Yugoslav border (in present-day Timiş, Caraş-Severin, and Mehedinţi counties) to the Bărăgan Plain.