B. Virtanen

B. Virtanen is a Finnish comic strip written by Ilkka Heilä. The strip is about the family and work life of a typical Finnish man named B. Virtanen. His full first name is never revealed and few, if any, Finnish first names start with the letter B, which does not occur in Finnish except in loanwords. He is married and has a steady job but both cause him constant trouble as he is hen-pecked by his wife at home and oppressed by his superiors at work. The main setting is the office in which B. Virtanen works. His employer is named Oy Firma Ab, literally "Company Ltd."; its exact line of business is thus never revealed but the company has some sort of production since a factory has been mentioned.

B. Virtanen

B. Virtanen is a Finnish comic strip written by Ilkka Heilä. The strip is about the family and work life of a typical Finnish man named B. Virtanen. His full first name is never revealed and few, if any, Finnish first names start with the letter B, which does not occur in Finnish except in loanwords. He is married and has a steady job but both cause him constant trouble as he is hen-pecked by his wife at home and oppressed by his superiors at work. The main setting is the office in which B. Virtanen works. His employer is named Oy Firma Ab, literally "Company Ltd."; its exact line of business is thus never revealed but the company has some sort of production since a factory has been mentioned.