Bad Timing (Adventure Time)

"Bad Timing" is the forty-ninth episode from the fifth season of Adventure Time, an animated television series. It was written by Pendleton Ward, who created the show, and Kent Osborne, its head of story. In the episode, Lumpy Space Princess falls in love with a former mate (Mark Proksch) from secondary school. When she suspects she has lost her date to Princess Bubblegum, she attempts to wield time travel to win back his affections.

Bad Timing (Adventure Time)

"Bad Timing" is the forty-ninth episode from the fifth season of Adventure Time, an animated television series. It was written by Pendleton Ward, who created the show, and Kent Osborne, its head of story. In the episode, Lumpy Space Princess falls in love with a former mate (Mark Proksch) from secondary school. When she suspects she has lost her date to Princess Bubblegum, she attempts to wield time travel to win back his affections.