Badger game

The badger game is an extortion scheme, often perpetrated on married men, in which the victim or "mark" is tricked into a compromising position to make him vulnerable to blackmail. There are two competing explanations for the origin of the term badger game. Oneexplanation is that the term originated in the practice of badger baiting. Another saysthat it derives its name from the state of Wisconsin (the Badger State), where the conallegedly either originated or was popularized. The badger game has been featured as a plot device in numerous books, movies and television shows.

Badger game

The badger game is an extortion scheme, often perpetrated on married men, in which the victim or "mark" is tricked into a compromising position to make him vulnerable to blackmail. There are two competing explanations for the origin of the term badger game. Oneexplanation is that the term originated in the practice of badger baiting. Another saysthat it derives its name from the state of Wisconsin (the Badger State), where the conallegedly either originated or was popularized. The badger game has been featured as a plot device in numerous books, movies and television shows.