
Bandung Regency (Kabupaten Bandung, often referred to as the Bandung District) is an administrative regency located to the south, southeast and east of the city of Bandung. The northern parts of the Bandung Regency are effectively part of the Bandung Metropolitan Area (technically the whole of the Regency is within the Metropolitan Area), with the southern third being less urbanized and jutting upwards from the Valley, though not as sharply as the mountain range to the immediate north of Bandung. The Regency is part of the Indonesian province of West Java, and is situated about 75 miles southeast of Jakarta. The city of Soreang is the capital of the regency.


Bandung Regency (Kabupaten Bandung, often referred to as the Bandung District) is an administrative regency located to the south, southeast and east of the city of Bandung. The northern parts of the Bandung Regency are effectively part of the Bandung Metropolitan Area (technically the whole of the Regency is within the Metropolitan Area), with the southern third being less urbanized and jutting upwards from the Valley, though not as sharply as the mountain range to the immediate north of Bandung. The Regency is part of the Indonesian province of West Java, and is situated about 75 miles southeast of Jakarta. The city of Soreang is the capital of the regency.