Bangladeshi animation

Bangladeshi animation is still a new form of visual arts but experiencing a rapid growth. The animation industry employs about 12,000 people of different ages in Bangladesh. Most of the animation works are of outsourced projects from western developed nations. Other animation works include projects related to social awareness related programs and for TV advertisement purposes. Few animation studios are also producing animated short and feature films. There are some animation festivals that annually take place in Bangladesh, most prominently the International Animation and Cartoon Festival.

Bangladeshi animation

Bangladeshi animation is still a new form of visual arts but experiencing a rapid growth. The animation industry employs about 12,000 people of different ages in Bangladesh. Most of the animation works are of outsourced projects from western developed nations. Other animation works include projects related to social awareness related programs and for TV advertisement purposes. Few animation studios are also producing animated short and feature films. There are some animation festivals that annually take place in Bangladesh, most prominently the International Animation and Cartoon Festival.