Batman: Child of Dreams

Batman: Child of Dreams (バットマン チャイルド・オブ・ドリームス Battoman Chairudo Obu Dorīmusu) is a manga series written and illustrated by Kia Asamiya, published in Kodansha's Magazine Z. The series follows Batman as he travels to Tokyo on the trail of a lethal drug that allows the person who ingests it to shapeshift into anyone they desire.

Batman: Child of Dreams

Batman: Child of Dreams (バットマン チャイルド・オブ・ドリームス Battoman Chairudo Obu Dorīmusu) is a manga series written and illustrated by Kia Asamiya, published in Kodansha's Magazine Z. The series follows Batman as he travels to Tokyo on the trail of a lethal drug that allows the person who ingests it to shapeshift into anyone they desire.