Battle of Garni

The Battle of Garni was fought in 1225 near Garni, Armenia, then part of the Kingdom of Georgia from 1125–1225. The invading Khwarezmid Empire wasw led by Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu, its last sultan, who was driven from his realm by the Mongol Empire and was trying to recapture lost territories. The battle ended with a Khwarezmid victory and is marked as a disastrous event in Georgian history due to betrayal. As a result, the royal court of Georgian Queen Rusudan (1223–1245) moved to Kutaisi and the country was exposed to subsequent looting during the Mongol invasion.

Battle of Garni

The Battle of Garni was fought in 1225 near Garni, Armenia, then part of the Kingdom of Georgia from 1125–1225. The invading Khwarezmid Empire wasw led by Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu, its last sultan, who was driven from his realm by the Mongol Empire and was trying to recapture lost territories. The battle ended with a Khwarezmid victory and is marked as a disastrous event in Georgian history due to betrayal. As a result, the royal court of Georgian Queen Rusudan (1223–1245) moved to Kutaisi and the country was exposed to subsequent looting during the Mongol invasion.