Behind the Wall (2008 film)

Behind the Wall is a 2008 USA/Canada production horror film directed by Paul Schneider. It stars Lindy Booth, Lawrence Dane, James Thomas in the lead roles. The film centres on a lighthouse in the town of Hinderson Bay which is haunted by an evil spirit from Katelyn's past. Once its basement is broken open, new bloodshed starts, and the horrible truth about the past is gradually unveiled.

Behind the Wall (2008 film)

Behind the Wall is a 2008 USA/Canada production horror film directed by Paul Schneider. It stars Lindy Booth, Lawrence Dane, James Thomas in the lead roles. The film centres on a lighthouse in the town of Hinderson Bay which is haunted by an evil spirit from Katelyn's past. Once its basement is broken open, new bloodshed starts, and the horrible truth about the past is gradually unveiled.