Bellum Batonianum

The Bellum Batonianum (Latin for "war of the Batos") was a military conflict fought in the Roman province of Illyricum in which an alliance of the native peoples of Illyricum rebelled against the Romans. There were two regions in this Roman province: Dalmatia and Pannonia. The rebellion began among native peoples who were recruited as auxiliary troops for the Romans. They were led by Bato the Daesitiate (the Deasitiae were a tribe which lived in Dalmatia). They were joined by the Breuci (a tribe in Pannonia) led by Bato the Breucan. Many other tribes in Illyria also joined the revolt. The Roman called this conflict bellum batonianum (Batonian war) after these two leaders who had the same name. Velleius Paterculus called it the Pannonian and Dalmatian war because it involved both regions of

Bellum Batonianum

The Bellum Batonianum (Latin for "war of the Batos") was a military conflict fought in the Roman province of Illyricum in which an alliance of the native peoples of Illyricum rebelled against the Romans. There were two regions in this Roman province: Dalmatia and Pannonia. The rebellion began among native peoples who were recruited as auxiliary troops for the Romans. They were led by Bato the Daesitiate (the Deasitiae were a tribe which lived in Dalmatia). They were joined by the Breuci (a tribe in Pannonia) led by Bato the Breucan. Many other tribes in Illyria also joined the revolt. The Roman called this conflict bellum batonianum (Batonian war) after these two leaders who had the same name. Velleius Paterculus called it the Pannonian and Dalmatian war because it involved both regions of