Berberis microphylla

Berberis microphylla, common name Box-leaved Barberry and Magellan Barberry, in Spanish calafate and michay and other names, is an evergreen shrub, with simple, shiny box-like leaves. The Calafate is native to southern Argentina and Chile and is a symbol of Patagonia. The Calafate is grown commercially for its fruit, potential medical uses and as a garden plant or bonsai. Its wood is used to make a red dye. The cultivar Berberis microphylla 'Nana' is widely available as a garden shrub, and is also used in commercial plantings as a low spiny hedge to discourage intruders, but it does not fruit.

Berberis microphylla

Berberis microphylla, common name Box-leaved Barberry and Magellan Barberry, in Spanish calafate and michay and other names, is an evergreen shrub, with simple, shiny box-like leaves. The Calafate is native to southern Argentina and Chile and is a symbol of Patagonia. The Calafate is grown commercially for its fruit, potential medical uses and as a garden plant or bonsai. Its wood is used to make a red dye. The cultivar Berberis microphylla 'Nana' is widely available as a garden shrub, and is also used in commercial plantings as a low spiny hedge to discourage intruders, but it does not fruit.