Beyond the Beyond (manga)

Beyond the Beyond (その向こうの向こう側 Sono Mukō no Mukōgawa) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshitomo Watanabe. The story is about Futaba Kudo, a young boy who is pulled into a strange world when he rescues a girl named Kiara, a powerful girl whom many people wish to capture or kill. Futaba pledges to protect Kiara from her pursuers and help her find her missing master. The series first premiered in Japan in the monthly shōnen magazine Comic Blade in 2004 where it ran until February 2008. The individual chapters were collected and published in six tankōbon volumes by Mag Garden.

Beyond the Beyond (manga)

Beyond the Beyond (その向こうの向こう側 Sono Mukō no Mukōgawa) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshitomo Watanabe. The story is about Futaba Kudo, a young boy who is pulled into a strange world when he rescues a girl named Kiara, a powerful girl whom many people wish to capture or kill. Futaba pledges to protect Kiara from her pursuers and help her find her missing master. The series first premiered in Japan in the monthly shōnen magazine Comic Blade in 2004 where it ran until February 2008. The individual chapters were collected and published in six tankōbon volumes by Mag Garden.