Beyond the Cursed Eclipse

Beyond the Cursed Eclipse is the debut album by the American symphonic black metal band Vesperian Sorrow. The songs, "Twilight of Azrael" and "Windswept", have an opening sample taken from a play of the Artus-saga. The song, "Twilight of Azrael" refers to Azrael, the angel of death. The production quality was lacking in the album and had a more underground style than their more commercial later releases, but would give promise for their next albums. At the start of "Windswept", the sound clip is taken from the 1981 fantasy film Excalibur.

Beyond the Cursed Eclipse

Beyond the Cursed Eclipse is the debut album by the American symphonic black metal band Vesperian Sorrow. The songs, "Twilight of Azrael" and "Windswept", have an opening sample taken from a play of the Artus-saga. The song, "Twilight of Azrael" refers to Azrael, the angel of death. The production quality was lacking in the album and had a more underground style than their more commercial later releases, but would give promise for their next albums. At the start of "Windswept", the sound clip is taken from the 1981 fantasy film Excalibur.