
Billpoint was the name of a person-to-person money transfer service founded in 1998 and purchased in 1999 by online auctioneer eBay. It was founded by Jason May. They obtained venture funding from Sequoia Capital in February 1999. Billpoint's website was taken offline while eBay integrated Billpoint into their auction service, and it did not reappear until the Spring of 2000 when it was relaunched as a joint-venture with Wells Fargo bank.


Billpoint was the name of a person-to-person money transfer service founded in 1998 and purchased in 1999 by online auctioneer eBay. It was founded by Jason May. They obtained venture funding from Sequoia Capital in February 1999. Billpoint's website was taken offline while eBay integrated Billpoint into their auction service, and it did not reappear until the Spring of 2000 when it was relaunched as a joint-venture with Wells Fargo bank.