Binah (magazine)

Binah (Hebrew: בינה‎‎, "Insight") is a Jewish women's magazine published weekly by Binah Magazine Corporation, a subsidiary of Hamodia Publishing Corporation. It debuted in Elul 2006. Binah features articles appealing to Jewish women, including family matters, health, recipes, short stories and serialized novels. It is known for its full-color, glossy pages and its coverage of topics not usually discussed in mainstream Orthodox Jewish publications, such as divorce, single-parenting, home budgeting, and medical conditions. Its articles often create a buzz in Orthodox circles and online blogs. For example, a 2012 article on summer camp security led to a summer-camp inspection by New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind and New York State Senate hopeful Simcha Felder (he was elected to office a few mo

Binah (magazine)

Binah (Hebrew: בינה‎‎, "Insight") is a Jewish women's magazine published weekly by Binah Magazine Corporation, a subsidiary of Hamodia Publishing Corporation. It debuted in Elul 2006. Binah features articles appealing to Jewish women, including family matters, health, recipes, short stories and serialized novels. It is known for its full-color, glossy pages and its coverage of topics not usually discussed in mainstream Orthodox Jewish publications, such as divorce, single-parenting, home budgeting, and medical conditions. Its articles often create a buzz in Orthodox circles and online blogs. For example, a 2012 article on summer camp security led to a summer-camp inspection by New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind and New York State Senate hopeful Simcha Felder (he was elected to office a few mo