Black-fronted dotterel

The black-fronted dotterel (Elseyornis melanops) is a small, slender plover that is widespread throughout most of Australia, to which it is native, and New Zealand, where it self-introduced in the 1950s. Unlike many other wading birds, black-fronted dotterels retain the same plumage all year round, which makes identification easier. They forage in a series of short running motions, holding the body horizontal, stopping to peck from time to time with a rapid bobbing motion. Their diet consists of mostly insects and other small creatures, supplemented by a few seeds.

Black-fronted dotterel

The black-fronted dotterel (Elseyornis melanops) is a small, slender plover that is widespread throughout most of Australia, to which it is native, and New Zealand, where it self-introduced in the 1950s. Unlike many other wading birds, black-fronted dotterels retain the same plumage all year round, which makes identification easier. They forage in a series of short running motions, holding the body horizontal, stopping to peck from time to time with a rapid bobbing motion. Their diet consists of mostly insects and other small creatures, supplemented by a few seeds.