Black-headed saltator

The black-headed saltator (Saltator atriceps) is a seedeating bird. Traditionally placed in the cardinal family (Cardinalidae), it actually seems to be closer to the tanagers (Thraupidae). It breeds from central Mexico to eastern Panama. The common call is a raucous deeeer. The song is a loud scratchy cher cher jur jur weeee, often given by males as a duet. The black-headed saltator is a species of dense vegetation. The black-headed saltator feeds on fruit, buds, nectar and slow-moving insects. It forages at low and mid levels, sometimes with mixed species flocks.

Black-headed saltator

The black-headed saltator (Saltator atriceps) is a seedeating bird. Traditionally placed in the cardinal family (Cardinalidae), it actually seems to be closer to the tanagers (Thraupidae). It breeds from central Mexico to eastern Panama. The common call is a raucous deeeer. The song is a loud scratchy cher cher jur jur weeee, often given by males as a duet. The black-headed saltator is a species of dense vegetation. The black-headed saltator feeds on fruit, buds, nectar and slow-moving insects. It forages at low and mid levels, sometimes with mixed species flocks.