Black Bob (comics)

Black Bob was the name of a fictional Border Collie from Selkirk in the Scottish Borders. Black Bob originally appeared as a text story in The Dandy in issue 280, dated 25 November 1944. Following this he appeared as a picture strip in The Weekly News in 1946, which continued until 1967. His 'owner' was Andrew Glen, a bearded shepherd. Black Bob follows his owner's nephew who is playing truant and tries to bring him back to school. Black Bob was parodied in a strip in Viz comic entitled "Black Bag, the Faithful Border Bin Liner".

Black Bob (comics)

Black Bob was the name of a fictional Border Collie from Selkirk in the Scottish Borders. Black Bob originally appeared as a text story in The Dandy in issue 280, dated 25 November 1944. Following this he appeared as a picture strip in The Weekly News in 1946, which continued until 1967. His 'owner' was Andrew Glen, a bearded shepherd. Black Bob follows his owner's nephew who is playing truant and tries to bring him back to school. Black Bob was parodied in a strip in Viz comic entitled "Black Bag, the Faithful Border Bin Liner".