Blackfish Lake Ferry Site

The Blackfish Lake Ferry Site is a historic archaeological site in St. Francis County, Arkansas. It is the only known ferry site along the route of a military road built in the 1820s and 1830s between Memphis, Tennessee and Little Rock, Arkansas to be used in the Trail of Tears. The ferry concession was granted to William D. Ferguson, an early settler of the area. This military road was a major route for the removal of Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw populations to the Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma), and was also used by thousands of west-bound settlers.

Blackfish Lake Ferry Site

The Blackfish Lake Ferry Site is a historic archaeological site in St. Francis County, Arkansas. It is the only known ferry site along the route of a military road built in the 1820s and 1830s between Memphis, Tennessee and Little Rock, Arkansas to be used in the Trail of Tears. The ferry concession was granted to William D. Ferguson, an early settler of the area. This military road was a major route for the removal of Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw populations to the Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma), and was also used by thousands of west-bound settlers.