Bohemian-style absinth

Bohemian-style or Czech-style absinth (also called anise-free absinthe, or just “absinth” without the “e”) is an ersatz version of the traditional spirit absinthe, though is more accurately described as a kind of wormwood bitters. It is produced mainly in the Czech Republic, from which it gets its designations as “Bohemian” or “Czech,” although not all absinthe from the Czech Republic is Bohemian-style. Typical Bohemian-style absinth has only two similarities with its traditional counterpart, in that it contains wormwood and has a high alcohol content.

Bohemian-style absinth

Bohemian-style or Czech-style absinth (also called anise-free absinthe, or just “absinth” without the “e”) is an ersatz version of the traditional spirit absinthe, though is more accurately described as a kind of wormwood bitters. It is produced mainly in the Czech Republic, from which it gets its designations as “Bohemian” or “Czech,” although not all absinthe from the Czech Republic is Bohemian-style. Typical Bohemian-style absinth has only two similarities with its traditional counterpart, in that it contains wormwood and has a high alcohol content.