Bosea cypria

Bosea cypria Much branched, evergreen shrub, 1–2 m high, erect, suberect, or hanging on walls, cliffs or trees, with hairless angular shoots. Leaves, opposite, simple, entire-+ elliptical, 2-6 x (1-2-3) cm, hairless, petiolate, dark green, occasionally red green. Flowers in branched spikes, actionomorphic, hermaphrodite or unisexual 5-merous, very small, green brown. Fruit a globose red berry. Flowers from April to July.

Bosea cypria

Bosea cypria Much branched, evergreen shrub, 1–2 m high, erect, suberect, or hanging on walls, cliffs or trees, with hairless angular shoots. Leaves, opposite, simple, entire-+ elliptical, 2-6 x (1-2-3) cm, hairless, petiolate, dark green, occasionally red green. Flowers in branched spikes, actionomorphic, hermaphrodite or unisexual 5-merous, very small, green brown. Fruit a globose red berry. Flowers from April to July.