Bounty Hounds

Bounty Hounds (バウンティ ハウンズ) is an action role-playing video game published by Namco and developed by XPEC Entertainment for the PlayStation Portable, released in 2006. The plot revolves around a group of intergalactic mercenaries, known as the Bounty Hounds, led by Maximilian (the playable character), on a mission to eradicate the indigenous lifeforms of alien planets, so the human race may colonize them. In the course of it, they unravel a conspiracy among the most powerful corporations on Earth.

Bounty Hounds

Bounty Hounds (バウンティ ハウンズ) is an action role-playing video game published by Namco and developed by XPEC Entertainment for the PlayStation Portable, released in 2006. The plot revolves around a group of intergalactic mercenaries, known as the Bounty Hounds, led by Maximilian (the playable character), on a mission to eradicate the indigenous lifeforms of alien planets, so the human race may colonize them. In the course of it, they unravel a conspiracy among the most powerful corporations on Earth.