Bow Wow Wata

Bow Wow Wata (Japanese: ガウガウわー太 Hepburn: Gaugau Wāta) is a manga by Kazumi Umekawa that was initially serialized in Weekly Comic Bunch from 2001 throughout 2004. After the serialization was pulled from Comic Bunch, it was picked up by Comic Rex, where it was retitled Gaugau Wāta 2, continuing its publication as a monthly serial until 2009. A short-lived English adaptation was published by Gutsoon! Entertainments Raijin Comics which were released in January and May 2004. Only the first 2 volumes were ever released in the United States by Raijin Comics.

Bow Wow Wata

Bow Wow Wata (Japanese: ガウガウわー太 Hepburn: Gaugau Wāta) is a manga by Kazumi Umekawa that was initially serialized in Weekly Comic Bunch from 2001 throughout 2004. After the serialization was pulled from Comic Bunch, it was picked up by Comic Rex, where it was retitled Gaugau Wāta 2, continuing its publication as a monthly serial until 2009. A short-lived English adaptation was published by Gutsoon! Entertainments Raijin Comics which were released in January and May 2004. Only the first 2 volumes were ever released in the United States by Raijin Comics.