
Braeriach (Scottish Gaelic: Bràigh Riabhach/Am Bràigh Riabhach) is the third-highest mountain in the British Isles, surpassed only by Ben Nevis and Ben Macdui. It is the highest point in the western massif of the Cairngorms, separated from the central section (containing Ben Macdui and Cairn Gorm) by the pass of the Lairig Ghru. The summit has a crescent shape, with several corries. In the north-facing corrie of Garbh Coire Mor the snow has completely melted just 5 times in the last century: 1933, 1959, 1996, 2003 & 2006 and the patches that linger there are the longest-lying snow patches in Scotland.


Braeriach (Scottish Gaelic: Bràigh Riabhach/Am Bràigh Riabhach) is the third-highest mountain in the British Isles, surpassed only by Ben Nevis and Ben Macdui. It is the highest point in the western massif of the Cairngorms, separated from the central section (containing Ben Macdui and Cairn Gorm) by the pass of the Lairig Ghru. The summit has a crescent shape, with several corries. In the north-facing corrie of Garbh Coire Mor the snow has completely melted just 5 times in the last century: 1933, 1959, 1996, 2003 & 2006 and the patches that linger there are the longest-lying snow patches in Scotland.