Branching quantifier

In logic a branching quantifier, also called a Henkin quantifier, finite partially ordered quantifier or even nonlinear quantifier, is a partial ordering of quantifiers for Q∈{∀,∃}. It is a special case of generalized quantifier. In classical logic, quantifier prefixes are linearly ordered such that the value of a variable ym bound by a quantifier Qm depends on the value of the variables y1,...,ym-1 bound by quantifiers Qy1,...,Qym-1 preceding Qm. In a logic with (finite) partially ordered quantification this is not in general the case.

Branching quantifier

In logic a branching quantifier, also called a Henkin quantifier, finite partially ordered quantifier or even nonlinear quantifier, is a partial ordering of quantifiers for Q∈{∀,∃}. It is a special case of generalized quantifier. In classical logic, quantifier prefixes are linearly ordered such that the value of a variable ym bound by a quantifier Qm depends on the value of the variables y1,...,ym-1 bound by quantifiers Qy1,...,Qym-1 preceding Qm. In a logic with (finite) partially ordered quantification this is not in general the case.