Broad bean true mosaic virus

Broad bean true mosaic virus (also called Echtes Ackerbohnemosaik-virus, Vicia virus 1, and Viciavirus varians) is a virus first described in 1953 that affects legumes, commonly found in crops of broad bean in both Europe and Northwest Africa. There are no known vectors, although it has been known to transverse long distances between crops. Infection via seed is common, though the virus is also present in sap.

Broad bean true mosaic virus

Broad bean true mosaic virus (also called Echtes Ackerbohnemosaik-virus, Vicia virus 1, and Viciavirus varians) is a virus first described in 1953 that affects legumes, commonly found in crops of broad bean in both Europe and Northwest Africa. There are no known vectors, although it has been known to transverse long distances between crops. Infection via seed is common, though the virus is also present in sap.