Brown falcon

The brown falcon (Falco berigora) is a relatively large falcon endemic to Australia. A number of plumage morphs exist, with the primary distinction being between the pale morph and the dark morph. Both morphs usually have dark brown upperparts and wing coverts. Dark morph birds have predominantly dark underparts, although some light streaking is common. Pale morph birds have white underparts that are varyingly streaked with brown, sometimes heavily so. Pale individuals may also have prominently white undertail coverts and these may be diagnostic.

Brown falcon

The brown falcon (Falco berigora) is a relatively large falcon endemic to Australia. A number of plumage morphs exist, with the primary distinction being between the pale morph and the dark morph. Both morphs usually have dark brown upperparts and wing coverts. Dark morph birds have predominantly dark underparts, although some light streaking is common. Pale morph birds have white underparts that are varyingly streaked with brown, sometimes heavily so. Pale individuals may also have prominently white undertail coverts and these may be diagnostic.