Bruce Power

Bruce Power Limited Partnership is a Canadian business partnership composed of several corporations. It exists (as of 2015) as a partnership between TransCanada Corporation (31.6%), BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust (the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Fund) (61.4%, since they bought most of Cameco's share in 2014), the Power Workers Union (4%) and The Society of Energy Professionals (1.2%). It is the licensed operator of the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, located on the shores of Lake Huron, roughly 250 kilometres northwest of Toronto, between the towns of Kincardine and Saugeen Shores. This is the largest operating nuclear plant in the world by output (Kashiwazaki is currently closed in Japan).

Bruce Power

Bruce Power Limited Partnership is a Canadian business partnership composed of several corporations. It exists (as of 2015) as a partnership between TransCanada Corporation (31.6%), BPC Generation Infrastructure Trust (the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Fund) (61.4%, since they bought most of Cameco's share in 2014), the Power Workers Union (4%) and The Society of Energy Professionals (1.2%). It is the licensed operator of the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, located on the shores of Lake Huron, roughly 250 kilometres northwest of Toronto, between the towns of Kincardine and Saugeen Shores. This is the largest operating nuclear plant in the world by output (Kashiwazaki is currently closed in Japan).