Buddleja microstachya

Buddleja microstachya is a small shrub discovered in 2005 by Liu and Peng in Yunnan, China, growing at an elevation of 3,200 m in rocky terrain of the Yongde Mountains Nature Reserve. First described in 2006, this putative species was not included in Leeuwenberg's study of Asiatic and African buddleja published in 1979.

Buddleja microstachya

Buddleja microstachya is a small shrub discovered in 2005 by Liu and Peng in Yunnan, China, growing at an elevation of 3,200 m in rocky terrain of the Yongde Mountains Nature Reserve. First described in 2006, this putative species was not included in Leeuwenberg's study of Asiatic and African buddleja published in 1979.