Burmese bamboo shark

The Burmese bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium burmensis, is an extremely rare bamboo shark in the family Hemiscylliidae. Only one single specimen is known to science. It was caught 1963 off the coast from Rangoon in Burma in a depth of 29 – 33 m. This holotype is an adult male, 57 cm long and kept in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. Features: No color pattern. Dorsal fin has straight rear margins. Food: Small bony fish or invertebrates. Reproduction is presumed to be oviparous (egg laying).

Burmese bamboo shark

The Burmese bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium burmensis, is an extremely rare bamboo shark in the family Hemiscylliidae. Only one single specimen is known to science. It was caught 1963 off the coast from Rangoon in Burma in a depth of 29 – 33 m. This holotype is an adult male, 57 cm long and kept in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. Features: No color pattern. Dorsal fin has straight rear margins. Food: Small bony fish or invertebrates. Reproduction is presumed to be oviparous (egg laying).