Butterworth Stavely

Butterworth Stavely is a fictional character in Mark Twain's 1879 story "The Great Revolution in Pitcairn." He is an American adventurer and filibuster who instigates a coup d'état and has himself crowned Butterworth I, Emperor of Pitcairn's Island. Stavely's cynical manipulation of the easily corruptible islanders has been interpreted as an indictment of Western imperialism and the cultural tyranny of American missionaries.

Butterworth Stavely

Butterworth Stavely is a fictional character in Mark Twain's 1879 story "The Great Revolution in Pitcairn." He is an American adventurer and filibuster who instigates a coup d'état and has himself crowned Butterworth I, Emperor of Pitcairn's Island. Stavely's cynical manipulation of the easily corruptible islanders has been interpreted as an indictment of Western imperialism and the cultural tyranny of American missionaries.