Compatible Amplitude Modulation - Digital or CAM-D is a proposed hybrid digital radio format for AM broadcasting, put forth by the broadcast engineer Leonard R. Kahn. The system is an in-band on-channel technology that uses the sidebands of any AM radio station. Analog information is still used up to a bandpass of about 7.5kHz, with standard amplitude modulation. The missing treble information that AM normally lacks is then transmitted digitally beyond this. Audio mixing in the receiver then blends them back together.


Compatible Amplitude Modulation - Digital or CAM-D is a proposed hybrid digital radio format for AM broadcasting, put forth by the broadcast engineer Leonard R. Kahn. The system is an in-band on-channel technology that uses the sidebands of any AM radio station. Analog information is still used up to a bandpass of about 7.5kHz, with standard amplitude modulation. The missing treble information that AM normally lacks is then transmitted digitally beyond this. Audio mixing in the receiver then blends them back together.