
CBterm/C64, commonly referred to as CBterm, is a terminal emulator for the Commodore 64, authored by Christopher "Chrisdos" Dunn. CBterm bears a copyright date of 1985; version 5.0 of the software was released in early 1987 and is coded entirely in assembly language. It features 40- and 80-column displays, XMODEM file transfers, ASCII/PETSCII conversion, direct display of RLE graphics, and support for a variety of autodialling modems. Support for the Punter protocol and VIDTEX and VT52 terminal emulation is possible by means of overlays. The software is freely redistributable for non-commercial use.


CBterm/C64, commonly referred to as CBterm, is a terminal emulator for the Commodore 64, authored by Christopher "Chrisdos" Dunn. CBterm bears a copyright date of 1985; version 5.0 of the software was released in early 1987 and is coded entirely in assembly language. It features 40- and 80-column displays, XMODEM file transfers, ASCII/PETSCII conversion, direct display of RLE graphics, and support for a variety of autodialling modems. Support for the Punter protocol and VIDTEX and VT52 terminal emulation is possible by means of overlays. The software is freely redistributable for non-commercial use.