CCGS Ann Harvey

CCGS Ann Harvey is a Canadian Coast Guard buoy tender and SAR vessel with light icebreaker duties. She was constructed in 1987 by Halifax Dartmouth Industries, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The vessel was named after the daughter of a local Newfoundland fisherman from Isle aux Morts on Newfoundland's southwest coast. In 1828, 17-year-old Ann, and her younger brother of 12, helped their father to rescue 160 crewmembers and passengers from the ship Despatch, which had been driven onto the rocks near their home. Again in 1838, Ann and her father rescued 25 crewmembers from the distressed vessel Rankin. Both rescues were due largely to Ann's strength, determination and courage.

CCGS Ann Harvey

CCGS Ann Harvey is a Canadian Coast Guard buoy tender and SAR vessel with light icebreaker duties. She was constructed in 1987 by Halifax Dartmouth Industries, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The vessel was named after the daughter of a local Newfoundland fisherman from Isle aux Morts on Newfoundland's southwest coast. In 1828, 17-year-old Ann, and her younger brother of 12, helped their father to rescue 160 crewmembers and passengers from the ship Despatch, which had been driven onto the rocks near their home. Again in 1838, Ann and her father rescued 25 crewmembers from the distressed vessel Rankin. Both rescues were due largely to Ann's strength, determination and courage.