COLE Publishing

COLE Publishing is a privately held company with offices in Wisconsin and Minnesota. The company creates nine highly focused trade publications for the liquid waste and environmental wastewater industries. Its titles include Pumper, Cleaner, PRO (Portable Restroom Operator), Onsite Installer, Municipal Sewer & Water (MSW), Treatment Plant Operator (TPO), Gas, Oil & Mining Contractor (GOMC), digDifferent and Plumber print and online magazines. The company also is sponsor of the annual WWETT (Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport) Show, formerly the Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo International, the world’s largest annual trade show for environmental service professionals, and one of the fastest growing trade shows in the United States attracting over 14,000 visitors from m

COLE Publishing

COLE Publishing is a privately held company with offices in Wisconsin and Minnesota. The company creates nine highly focused trade publications for the liquid waste and environmental wastewater industries. Its titles include Pumper, Cleaner, PRO (Portable Restroom Operator), Onsite Installer, Municipal Sewer & Water (MSW), Treatment Plant Operator (TPO), Gas, Oil & Mining Contractor (GOMC), digDifferent and Plumber print and online magazines. The company also is sponsor of the annual WWETT (Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport) Show, formerly the Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo International, the world’s largest annual trade show for environmental service professionals, and one of the fastest growing trade shows in the United States attracting over 14,000 visitors from m