CQ Amateur Radio

CQ Amateur Radio (also known simply as CQ or CQ magazine, and formerly as CQ: The Radio Amateur's Journal) (OCLC 310821852) is a magazine for amateur radio enthusiasts. The English language edition is read worldwide; Spanish language edition is published in Spain with some translations of articles from the English language edition and some original European content. The magazine was also published in France with partial translation of the original edition between 1995 and 2000 (ISSN 1267-2750). Since its inception in 1945, CQ Communication, Inc. has published over thirty paperback books that address most major aspects of the amateur radio hobby, which are frequently promoted through the magazine.

CQ Amateur Radio

CQ Amateur Radio (also known simply as CQ or CQ magazine, and formerly as CQ: The Radio Amateur's Journal) (OCLC 310821852) is a magazine for amateur radio enthusiasts. The English language edition is read worldwide; Spanish language edition is published in Spain with some translations of articles from the English language edition and some original European content. The magazine was also published in France with partial translation of the original edition between 1995 and 2000 (ISSN 1267-2750). Since its inception in 1945, CQ Communication, Inc. has published over thirty paperback books that address most major aspects of the amateur radio hobby, which are frequently promoted through the magazine.